
The ‘Numerus Clausus’ Principle for Securitiesin the Polish Legal SystemSummaryMost specialists on the doctrine of Polish private law hold that thereis a numerus clausus principle for securities in Polish law, although it hasnot been specifically put into words in any act of legislation. According tothe principle only those types of securities may be issued which are regulated by a statute. This means a prohibition on the issue of securities thathave not been legally recognised. There are only a few opinions that saythere is no numerus clausus on securities in Polish legal doctrine. Thisquestion has been the subject of a heated debate, which has attenuatedover the last years. However, many issues have neither been scrutinised nor even noticed. There are still several points worthy of consideration.The author’s aim in this paper is to review the arguments for and againstnumerus clausus; some of them have never been examined before. Hisanalysis leads him to conclude that there is a numerus apertus (i.e. norestrictions) on some securities, such as bonds, while others such asshares, which endow their holder with special rights, are subject to legalrestrictions. The article is an offshoot of research for a dissertation onprivate law conducted on an individual research programme supervisedby Dr. M. Spyra at Collegium Invisibile in the 2013/2014 academic year.

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