
Solanum okadae Hawkes et Hjert is a wild diploid potato species endemic to Argentina and Bolivia, of potential breeding value. However, no genetic studies have been carried out with this species and its crossability relations with the common tetraploid potato, S. tuberosum L. ssp. tuberosum, are unknown. Furthermore, accessions from both countries differed in their morphological phenotypes. To ascertain the feasibility of incorporating this wild germplasm into cultivated potato, 2n pollen screening was carried out in 10 accessions and families derived from crosses between accessions; also, pollen-pistil compatibility relations were studied in reciprocal interspecific crosses. Plants of four of the 10 accessions produced 2n pollen (0.1 to 5.0%) and 4n pollen (0.0 to 3.0%). Parallel and tripolar spindles at Anaphase II were the cytological mechanisms involved in 2n pollen formation; lack of chromosome migration in both meiotic divisions originated the 4n pollen. Both full compatibility and incompatibility at various sites along the pistil were observed in the S. tuberosum × S. okadae combinations; most reciprocal combinations were incompatible. Compatible genotypes produced 2n pollen. However, only a few seeds were obtained and chromosome counts could not be carried out in the hybrid progeny because seedlings died at an early stage. The pollen-pistil barriers are incomplete and can be circumvented by the appropiate choice of parents. The identification of the post-zygotic barriers will be the focus of further studies.

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