Clinical Staff Conference1 March 1961CYSTIC FIBROSIS OF THE PANCREAS: CLINICAL STAFF CONFERENCE AT THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTHPAUL A. DI SANT'AGNESE, M.D., WILLIAM O. JONES, M.D., ZACHARIAS DISCHE, M.D.PAUL A. DI SANT'AGNESE, M.D.Search for more papers by this author, WILLIAM O. JONES, M.D.Search for more papers by this author, ZACHARIAS DISCHE, M.D.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Informationhttps://doi.org/10.7326/0003-4819-54-3-482 SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptDr. Paul A. di Sant'Agnese: In recent years there has been an increasing interest in cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. It is now recognized that this generalized, inheritable disease which leads to dysfunction of all exocrine glands, mucus-producing and others, is one of the most common chronic diseases of childhood. In this country at the present time cystic fibrosis accounts for virtually all cases of pancreatic deficiency in the pediatric age group, for the majority of patients with chronic (nontuberculous) pulmonary disease, and presents a unique abnormality of sweat electrolytes, in that their concentration is markedly increased.1Although in the...Bibliographyl. di Sant'AgneseVidaurreta PAAM: Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas. J. A. M. A. 172: 135, 1960. Google Scholar2. di Sant'AgneseAndersen PADH: Cystic fibrosis of the pancreas in young adults. Ann. Intern. Med. 50: 1321, 1959. LinkGoogle Scholar3. BohnKochKochRickRau HEFWR: Die Erwachsenen-Mucoviscidosis als uberaus haufige dominant erbliche Krankheit. Die Medizin. 24: 1139, 1959. Google Scholar4. Koch VE: Die erbliche Erwachsenen-Mucoviscidosis und Ihre Beziehungen zur Ulkuskrankheit. Deutsche Med. Wschr. 84: 1773, 1959. CrossrefMedlineGoogle Scholar5. ShwachmanLeubnerCatzel HHP: Mucoviscidosis. Advance. Pediat. 7: 249, 1955. 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PreviousarticleNextarticle Advertisement FiguresReferencesRelatedDetails Metrics Cited byIncidence of cystic fibrosis in black children—revisitedCourse of cystic fibrosis in black patientsCystic Fibrosis in Young AdultsThe effects of exogenous aldosterone on sweat electrolytesManagement of patients with cor pulmonale—Acute and chronicThe Pancreas and Systemic DiseasePankreasdiagnostikMalabsorptionTHE ECCRINE SWEAT DEFECT IN CYSTIC FIBROSIS OF THE PANCREAS (MUCOVISCIDOSIS) 1 March 1961Volume 54, Issue 3Page: 482-502KeywordsCystic fibrosisGeneticsMedical servicesPancreasPrevention, policy, and public healthPseudomonas aeruginosaPulmonary diseasesPulmonary fibrosisSaltsSweat Issue Published: 1 March 1961 PDF downloadLoading ...
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