
The subject of the study is the activity of law enforcement agencies in the fight against cybercrime. The object of the study is the social relations that arise in the field of education during the implementation of the program to combat cybercrime in Russia. The author examines the issues of crimes committed with the help of information technologies or in cyberspace, as well as the organization of counteraction to their commission, activities aimed at protecting the health of citizens, ensuring state and public security. Studies the process of using modern methods in the identification and disclosure of crimes committed using information and telecommunication technologies. Special attention is paid to the strategy of digital transformation of education of schoolchildren and students: according to which students will be able to master the knowledge necessary to protect themselves and their data when working with technical means of communication. The novelty lies in the fact that the way being worked out to solve the problem of growing crime in the information environment and crime using modern technologies directly affects the modern educational processes of schoolchildren and students, who in the future should become a bulwark of protecting the population from cybercrime. The main conclusion of the study is that such an improvement in education will increase the general digital literacy of the population, the level of public confidence in the state, and in particular in law enforcement agencies. It will provide a fast, comprehensive search for malicious sites, in view of which their number, as well as the negative effect of such, will decrease, which will lead to a decrease in cybercrime in Russia.

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