
This Voicing explores the theoretical and material connections between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and voice. The Voicing is in three-parts encompassing: a theoretical introduction with a taxonomy for voice and AI, an extract from artist K. Allado-McDowell’s new work Air Age Blueprint and an interview based on such text. Allado-McDowell pioneered the field of human–artificial intelligence interaction and literature. With their book Pharmako-AI, written in collaboration with GPT-3, Allado-McDowell stretched the limits of language creation. Francesco Bentivegna worked as artist in the liminal space of cyborgean voices and recently completed their Ph.D. on voice, AI and synthetic personas. As an exercise in philosophy of AI, voice studies and artistic research, Allado-McDowell and Bentivegna move in conversation through biases, vibes and language, exploring narrative, science and theory.

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