
Technologies are the basis of practically every social action in today's connected world. Although technology has greatly benefited the banking industry, experts have noted the challenges and risks of cybersecurity. A bank can detect, analyze and protect people from these risks thanks to real-time conditions. The majority of financial institutions, including Al Rajhi Bank, are implementing technology in their daily operations as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak [1], which exposes them to cybersecurity issues. The purpose of this project is to investigate and search for encryption algorithms used by Al-Rajhi Bank and what are the most important security attacks that Al-Rajhi Bank faces, as this was done by communicating with an employee in the information technology department at Al-Rajhi Bank, and interviewing. In addition, a literature review of related works, investigation of algorithms and comparison was carried out, in order to verify the efficiency and strength of encryption algorithms in Al-Rajhi Bank and the results of previous works. Al Rajhi Bank's algorithms are very effective and secure, but the various decision-makers believe that as technology develops, financial institutions should think about incorporating other encryption algorithms, like Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA), Triple Data Encryption Standard (TDES), and Twofish algorithms, into their cyber security systems.

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