
A downside brought about by the explosive growth of online information and the shear amount of data traffic moving through our networks is the modern day headaches of information overload. The growth of handheld wireless devices can only mean that the end-users will continually be bombarded by emails and real-time information feeds, but now, even as they are on the go. Software agents provide mechanisms that have good potentials to lower the amount of information that an end- user has to deal with. Agent-enabled applications allow the end- user to personalize the way online resources are presented and can also filter out irrelevant or unwanted information. In this paper, we present our experience in using software agents and the Composite Capabilities/Preference Profiles (CC/PP) for customizing and delivering mobile services for Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) enabled and Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) enabled devices. We use software agents because such autonomous software entities have characteristics that can benefit mobile devices and the wireless environment, and the CC/PP is a standard for defining profiles for user preferences and device capabilities.

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