
1 Cheer-sun D. Yang, West Chester University of Pennsylvania, Anderson Hall 324, West Chester, PA 19383 cyang@wcupa.edu Abstract This work -in-progress paper presents a web classroom application to teach wireless data services with Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME). In the past, the evolution of 3G wireless systems leads to the study of various architectures and protocols for implementing data services on wireless devices such as cellular phones, palm computing devices, and wireless LANs. Since 1997, two major specifications have emerged in this area: The Wireless Application Protocol(WAP) and J2ME. Although both WAP and J2ME provide students capabilities to implement data service applications to run on the Internet, the installation process marks a difference in favor of J2ME. In a wireless communication course, J2ME is incorporated to teach a traditionally research-based wireless networking and security course. In summary, this pape describes the protocol structure, the development environment, the emulation software, and the experiences learned.

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