
The research was conducted to examine the perception of customers about the Online video content streaming platforms also known as Over the Top (OTT) platforms. Online users are increasingly accessing live broadcasts, as well as recorded video content and digital music services through the internet and mobile devices. Therefore, media and entertainment businesses may consider other variables when they explore their viewers profiles and their consumption behaviors. This research explores the consumers’ perceptions toward online streaming technologies and sheds light on their motivations to use them. Most OTT providers have a specific application, website, or page where a user can sign up for a subscription to access the particular benefits. All media content is transmitted via the Internet during the broadcast through OTT, without the operator's involvement. India has seen a massive increase in video content consumption on various platforms in recent years. This article examines the perception of consumers and the factors affecting people's preferences to use OTT platforms. By providing a well-furnished questionnaire, our respondents filled them and with the details different analyses are done. After considering the analysis results, the conclusion is drawn according to value. This study provides an apparent research knowledge to the readers. By and large, the examination gives important bits of knowledge for working on web sustenance-requesting administrations effectively.

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