
Abstract: For E-commerce businesses to produce successful marketing plans and customer retention tactics, client churn vaticination is pivotal. In order to handle the longitudinal timeframes and multiple data variables of B2Ce-commerce consumers' buying habits, the authors of this study present a loss vaticination model that integrates k- means client segmentation with support vector machine (SVM) vaticination. guests are divided into three groups according to the approach, which also defines the main customer groupings. In order to anticipate client development, the study analyses the efficacity of logistic retrogression and SVM vaticination. The findings show that client segmentation greatly increases each indicator’s capability to read values, emphasizing the significance of k- means clustering segmentation. also, it's demonstrated that SVM vaticination is more accurate than logistic retrogression vaticination. The conclusions of this study have important ramifications for client relationship operation.

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