
The article outlines cursory viewpoint on Transnistria as the focus of the Russian Federation policy. Russia pursues political interests in Transnistria connected with its geostrategic ambitions on the post-Soviet state. It is revealed that Moscow has a great impact on the life of Transnistria and cooperates with Tiraspol in political, military, social, cultural, and economic spheres. It is discussed that Russian military presence in this de facto state helps not only to control Transnistria but also Moldova concerning its geopolitical choice. In the article Russia’s activity concerning conflict resolution in Transnistria is shown. A special attention is paid to the Kozak Plan aiming at unification of Transnistria and Moldova, according to which too-extensive rights to Transnistria had to be given. Although this plan was not implemented, in fact now its idea is promoted gradually through convergence of Moldova and Transnistria. In the article it is stressed that russification of the region influences on the mood of the population concerning the future status of the region. Social and economic relations between Russia and Transnistria are researched. It is revealed that all three presidents of this de facto state had close ties with the Russian government and coordinated their politics with it. It is discussed that officially Russia supports territorial integrity of Moldova but at the same time it gives comprehensive support of Transnistria. Although it is not declared in the documents, now the Russian Federation favours status quo in Transnistria.


  • The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR), known as Transnistria, emerged as de facto state in result of an armed conflict which took place in March–July 1992 on the territory of Moldova

  • Transnistria has a strategic importance for the Russian Federation for many reasons which are of local and regional character

  • Russia’s politics there corelates with its activity in different parts of the post-Soviet space connected with its expansionist ambitions

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The Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (PMR), known as Transnistria, emerged as de facto state in result of an armed conflict which took place in March–July 1992 on the territory of Moldova. According to the international law Transnistria is a part of the Republic of Moldova, but for many years this breakaway territory develops separately from its parent state. Since the Russian Federation interferes in many spheres of life of Transnistria, complex research concerning its activity in this unrecognized republic is needed. Uncertain situation concerning the status of Transnistria on the international arena plays into the hands of the Kremlin as it can influence on this de facto state by providing support which is very much needed for this unrecognized republic from one side, and manipulate Moldova from the other. Providing influence on Transnistria Russia involves this de facto state in a zone of its geopolitical interest, provides better control over Moldova, receives additional instruments to push on Ukraine, and widens its sphere of political, economic and cultural influence. The intentions of the Russian Federation have a long-term character connected with its geostrategic ambitions on the former Soviet space

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