
With the advancement of silicon technology having culminated to a point where the scaling limitations of silicon transistors have manifested themselves as being unavoidable, experimentation with Graphene Nanoribbon and Carbon Nanotube field effect transistors has become of the utmost importance. In this paper the effect of gate oxide thickness on the performances of ballistic Schottky barrier Graphene Nanoribbon field effect transistor (GNRFET) and ballistic Schottky barrier Carbon Nanotube field effect transistor (CNTFET) is studied. A comparative analysis is also done on the two kinds of FETs based on the effect of gate oxide thickness. It has been observed that lowering the gate oxide thickness increases the on-state drain current in both the FETs but the effect is larger in CNTFETs. In this paper a graph is plotted calculating the on-off current ratios of the two transistors, further differentiating their performances with various gate oxide thicknesses.

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