
The article focuses attention on the need to research modern trends in the training of pharmaceutical industry specialists through the prism of deontological and professional standards. It was established that the modern system of professional training of future specialists in the pharmaceutical industry was influenced by the changes that the industry underwent after Ukraine gained independence: a significant reduction in the range and volume of production of domestic pharmaceutical products, orientation towards European standards of professional training of specialists, compliance with the ethical principles of the work of pharmaceutical specialists. It is noted that the Code of Ethics of Pharmaceutical Workers of Ukraine became the basic regulatory regulator of pharmacist professional ethics in Ukraine, but the further development of international legislation requires adaptation of the domestic pharmaceutical education system to its requirements. The article analyzes the key normative documents that determine the deontological and professional standards for the training of pharmaceutical industry specialists. Modern trends in the training of specialists in the pharmaceutical industry are defined as: the focus on increasing the prestige of the pharmacist profession, raising its status and improving its image in society; compliance with high standards of professional behavior of pharmaceutical industry specialists; strengthening of patient- and client-oriented professional activity in the field of pharmacy, which meets the modern requirements of deontological and professional standards regarding the transfer of emphasis from subject-object interaction in the specialist-client-patient plane to subject-subject interaction; strengthening the professional autonomy of pharmacists among other specialists of the health care system.

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