
Relevance. The ongoing transformational processes of economic systems, the development of IT technologies, communications, and cryptogenologies contribute to the development of innovative forms of labor organization and their types. There is a revaluation of the cost of labor, a change in the conditions of its employment, the structure of the labor market is changing due to non-standard forms of employment and employment, respectively, all this has a significant impact not only on the economic, but also on the social component of society. It should be noted that one of the most widespread and dynamically developing forms of employment in the labor market today is "self-employment", which requires in-depth study in the context of global changes. The purpose is the study involves an analysis of the current situation of non-standard forms of employment, in particular the category of "self-employment". Objectives: to consider the main trends in the self-employed labor market; to identify factors contributing to the rapid growth of the number of self-employed. Methodology: logical and systematic analysis of information sources in the field of self-employment development; expert opinion and personal observations; content analysis of Russian social networks. Results: an assessment of the impact of the digital economy on the development of the labor market, changes in its structure, forms of employment is given, a range of problems and opportunities related to state employment assistance is outlined. Conclusions. Current trends and future prospects for employment development in the context of labor market transformation are associated with an increase in the number of self-employed both abroad and in the Russian Federation. And the ongoing transformations significantly affect the change in the structure of labor relations and their digitalization. Therefore, in order to ensure positive dynamics in the labor market, it is necessary to integrate research on self-employment in economics, labor law, sociology and psychology.

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