
The regulation of labor relations is in the plane of labor law, but in the context of a pandemic, non-traditional labor relations and informal forms of employment have arisen, which are not provided for by any current legal document. The aim of the study is to analyze labor relations and informal forms of employment of the population during a pandemic and post-pandemic period. The analysis of skills demanded by the labor market was carried out. It has been established that skills have a certain life cycle, hard skills are characterized by a short life cycle, soft skills — a long one. The digitalization of the economy requires from society the advanced development of competencies that are in demand by the Industry 4.0 ecosystem. In conditions of spatial and resource constraints (pandemic), non-standard forms of employment appear in the labor market (temporary (fixed-term, seasonal) employment, part-time work (call work), temporary agency work and other multilateral labor relations, as well as disguised labor relationships and dependent self-employment). Research has shown that the reasons for the emergence of new labor relations were: insufficient regulatory support; dynamically changing external environment; change in the technological structure; the emergence of precarious forms of employment and growing informal employment; short life cycle of formed professional competencies and job loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The development of the gig economy contributes to the development of the freelance market, and it, in turn, affects the development of non-standard forms of employment in the labor market.

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