
It has been proven that the peculiarity of agriculture is the close connection with the environment and the mutual influence between them, which led to the increased interest of scientists and practitioners in the implementation of the principles of sustainable development. It is argued that agriculture is the most vulnerable to climate change, as well as non-observance of scientific requirements in agricultural production can cause a negative impact on the environment. It has been determined that the largest share in the production of agricultural products is held by the corporate sector of the agrarian sphere, the development of which was studied on the basis of their resource provision and economic results of activity. It was concluded that in the current conditions, complex and even contradictory processes are taking place in the environment of agricultural enterprises, which are characterized by the following: significant changes in the number of economic entities and the area of agricultural land currently under cultivation; noticeable losses due to the war in the field of crop production, the strengthening of negative processes in the reduction of the number of agricultural animals in animal husbandry, etc. were revealed. It is calculated that agricultural enterprises in the conditions of martial law obtained a positive financial result, in particular, in 2022, they ensured the profitability of the operating room at the level of 20,3 % and of the entire activity – 13,6 %. Problems of a natural and ecological nature, caused by the manifestation of a number of negative factors in the development of agricultural production, have been identified. It is substantiated that the sustainability of the system manifests itself as a form of equilibrium of the socio-economic system, as a result of which, under the influence of external and internal changes, its properties of integrity are manifested, which allow to comprehensively form and rationally use resource potential, as well as to have the opportunity for expanded reproduction and minimize the negative impact on the environment. Sustainable agriculture involves achieving a balance of ecological, social and economic factors in agriculture in order to create opportunities to meet the needs of future generations. The existing practices of sustainable agricultural activity are summarized, namely: thrifty agriculture, best agricultural practices, organic agriculture, sustainable intensive agriculture, the model of «permanent agriculture» assumes harmony with natural processes, minimizes labor costs. Factors that affect the transition to new models of agricultural production based on sustainability are systematized, among which the following groups are distinguished: personal characteristics of the owner of the agricultural enterprise and his management, individual characteristics of the agricultural enterprise, behavioral characteristics of the owner and management of the enterprise, as well as external factors. Key words: sustainable agriculture, resource provision, agricultural enterprise, managers (owners), management, influencing factors.

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