
The aim of this research was conducted to identify the current situations of wastewater treatment plant for sewage in Batam City. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods to describe and analyze existing phenomena and real situations in the field. Descriptive method was chosen because the research conducted was relating to ongoing activities. The research instrument is the researcher, which is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this research are that the WWTP project is the right solution for Batam City in waste management, especially sewage. Batam is a pilot because there are not many cities that use integrated sanitation processing systems in Indonesia. WWTP provides benefits for environmental problems with natural and technological integration. Thus, the benefits of this research are references for researchers who want to discuss WWTP and are expected to help Batam authorities (BP) to develop the WWTP Project. The impact of this research in the field of civil engineering is the application of the Sustainable Urban Water and Sanitation Management.

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