
The tandem accelerator began operation at Chalk River in February 1959 and the total fraction of operating time in the 18 month period since then has been about 80%. The installation and major experimental apparatus is described and a brief summary of the experimental program is given. This is followed by a more detailed description of two aspects of this program. The first concerns the interaction between beams of heavy ions such as C12, N14 and O16 with targets of nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, magnesium, aluminium and silicon. In this investigation narrow resonance structure was observed in the C12 + C12 reaction. The second concerns measurements of spins of levels in even-even nuclei lying between O16 and Ca40. A particle in, particle out-reaction such as inelastic proton scattering is employed to excite the levels and gamma-gamma correlations are measured in different geometries. The spins of 18 levels have been assigned to date.

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