
The paper contains the review of issues of completeness and quality of mineral mining at the opencast mines and creation of geomechanical justification of systems with internal p iling. Current mining production is characterized by the increase of share of open mining of mineral resources, the ratio of which in the world mineral mining is nearly 70%. Capacit ies of mining co mpanies keep on g rowing, production processes are being intensified; depth and periods of operation of open mines are being increased. In these cond it ions , issues of increase o f econo mic efficiency and env iron mental safety o f min ing operat ions beco me of mo re impo rtance; on e o f the most rad ical ways o f solut ion o f th is p rob lem is the maxi mu m use fo r locat ion o f ov erbu rden ro ck and p roduct ion waste fro m the waste qu arry area as a vo lu me man -caused resource. The work contains the analytical rev iew o f the current state of open mining of mineral resources of Kazakhstan, sequence of mining operations with internal piling, sequence of format ion and development of internal dump, optimal parameters of dumps (volu me, height, stratification, angles of d ips) as well as the stability of inactive pit edge before and after its loading with embankment.

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