
The article describes the essential relationship of culturalogical approach to vocational training in secondary vocational education of mid-level future lawyers and competence-based, qualitative and quality oriented, prognostic approaches to vocational education. The authors reveal the essence of the concept of “professional culture of a mid-level lawyer”, present the characteristics of some components of this culture; consider the factors and conditions that affect the efficiency of the process of formation and development of College foundations of professional culture of future graduates majoring in “Law and organization of social security". Also the article reveals the content and functionality of the professional culture of lawyers’ profile of social services. The authors state that the professional culture of a socio-humanitarian profile specialist has two levels (two "plans", self-unfolding circuit): internal and external, give detailed characteristics of each of these levels. Special attention is paid to the relationship of the concepts of «professional culture» and «professional competence» of the specialist of social sciences and humanities (including law) profile. The article proves the thesis that the synthesis of cultural, competence, qualitative, and predictive approaches to the development of professional training of law profile specialists ensures multifunctional training of future specialists in the context of scientifically based prediction of their future employability at the modern labor market and to address specific professional problems (including the regional ones) of improving the quality of human rights and legal services provided to Russian citizens.

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