
The numeral is an important object of study in linguistics and serves as a basis for demonstrating the cultural values, thinking and history of a nation. Each number conveys ancient cultural value, superstitions, cultural taboos and symbolic meaning through the conceptual system of language and linguocultural units. Since numbers have become the most important object in linguistics, these numbers with linguistic and cultural codes should be explored more through the conceptual system of language. The numbers include metric vocabulary, quantitative and numbering vocabulary. Moreover, numbers can be considered as the bearers of cultural information. Having learned the cultural meaning of numbers, one can get acquainted with traditions and ancient customs of a nation and their beliefs. This article draws attention to the most valuable information about numbers, starting with “1” and further about the culture, superstitions and ancient culture of people. The importance of studying phraseological unities with numbers from an ethnocultural point of view is also shown.

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