
The present article deals with the interaction problem between human and time as exemplified in the novel of A. Ilichevskys novel Newtons Drawing. The aim of the present research work analysis of the literary text, its structural and compositional elements, artistic images from the authors concept regarding his / her personal perception and translation of the protagonists cultural code. The cultural signs, symbols and codes are synthetized in the text via artistic images. The writer creates a multidimensional space in the novel through the readers exposure into the spheres of culture, music, painting, theater, photography, references to other literary texts. The unified cultural of a literary work is created with the help of the focalization literary technique on the image of protagonists father. In the novel the readers come across the main character, Konstantin, searching for his significant parent, his father. The son reflects on his intimate memories regarding his father, his aesthetic preferences, his fathers creative works. These memories help the readers understand the complex essence of the protagonist, his intellectual and cultural values. Architectonics of the text is also created via paratextual relationships, that broaden the boarders of the novel as a separate text up to the cultural text level in terms of semiotics. The artistic space of the novel is filled with the cultural symbols of the past. It also includes intertextual elements of the purpose of the citys solid image creation via system or symbols sum in the novel, The head motif of the novel the search of the father via understanding his values, his life, as well as an attempt to find the protagonists own path, gain the main characters significance and penetrate into his cultural code.

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