
Preparations for the adoption of the new Law on Cultural Values Protection, its discussion and debates, that seriously puzzled the German Government, and also caused acute criticism from the representatives of the world of art are analyzed. Attention is focused on approaches to the important and quite complex in this regard issue concerning preservation of illegal movement of cultural objects that belong to the cultural heritage of the state. The main purpose of the bill is to enhance the protection of cultural property and effectively combat the illicit trafficking of them. The intentions of the Federal Government to integrate pre-existing laws in the field of cultural values into one law are very important. The main principles of the law in the new edition are protection from being sold overseas collections of state museums, including exhibits from private ownership that are in museums temporarily. It is highlighted that under current legislation, in each federal state of art and other cultural treasures, including libraries, must be entered in the register of national cultural values. These items have privileges in taxation, their export outside Germany requires special permission from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Germany, which can be stipulated for a number of restrictions and reservations. In the article it is underlined that he XXI century has set new challenges and tasks for German scientists that require operational, but balanced approach in their solution.

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