
This study focuses on cultural domination effect in society on New Normal era. This study is a field study. The data was collected through data inventory, then it analyzed and interpreted. The result of this research showed three aspect of new normal culture in society, firstly, ideally the New normal life style should be socialized in society cultural forum, such as forum group discussion, colloquy, seminar, etc. Secondly, the society will be more familiar with the New Era life style, when its implementation accommodates cultural values of society and respect the ritual ceremony of custom and culture. Thirdly, the New Normal life style implementation will be more convenient to be accepted in society, when it improved the role of custom and society leaders. Fourthly, the definition and the meaning of New Normal life style, nowdays, should be enrich by the meaning of health care in line with cultural society which tends to community health care more than to personality health care.

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