
Aim. To find and substantiate the optimal combination of elements of winter triticale cultivation technology in the organic farming system based on the use of green manure, biological products and growth stimulants of organic origin to obtain competitive organic products. This article analyses the results of research obtained in a semi-stationary experiment of the National Research Centre "Institute of Agriculture of NAAS" on the cultivation of winter triticale in an organic farming system during 2019-2020. Methods. During the research, we used field (to determine the interaction of the object with natural and studied factors), weight (to determine the yield and its structure), morphophysiological (for biological control over the growth and development of productivity elements by stages of organogenesis), laboratory (chemical and physicochemical analysis of the main products), as well as mathematical statistics using basic and special statistical indicators and criteria. Results. Work carried out, it was found that the highest yield of winter triticale 4.57 t/ha was noted in the variant where the combined application of organic-mineral fertilizer Rokogumin (3 times 5 l/ha, respectively, at 27-28, 30-31, and 58-59 stages of plant development) and organic fertiliser Bio-gel (2 times at 1.5 l/ha, respectively, at 27-28 and 30-31 stages) in combination with growth regulator Regoplant (2 times - at 27-28 and 30-31 stages, 50 ml/ha) against the background of green manure (30 t/ha of green mass of peas). This crop productivity was formed due to the optimal parameters of crop cenosis. In particular, the number of productive stems that survived until harvesting was 460 pcs/m², with a grain weight per ear of 0.99 g. Such a density of winter triticale greatly affected the weediness of crops. In the process of growth and development of the main crop cenosis, weed growth was suppressed, and some of them were suspended, and their number in the phase of full ripeness of winter triticale decreased, depending on the experimental variants by 90-95%, to 20-33 pcs/m².With regard to diseases (powdery mildew and leaf septoria) of winter triticale, there was also a slight tendency to reduce the damage to plants from the action of biological products. However, the obtained two-year results do not allow us to conclude on the fungicidal effect of the studied preparations. Conclusion. Such a combination of organic fertilizers and growth stimulant provided an increase in the yield of winter triticale by 0.55 t/ha and provided 23435 UAH/ha of net profit at 249% profitability. There is a tendency of high resistance of winter triticale to the negative impact of pests and diseases, and an increase in the degree of competitiveness of plants in the fight against weeds due to an increase in the density of cenosis. This crop is well suited for growing in an organic farming system.

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