
Sustainability is the goal of every entity requiring a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of environmental, economic, and social factors. It’s a dynamic process that necessitates continuous adaptation and collaboration among individuals, communities, businesses, and governments. Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 were formulated to improve people’s lives regardless of race, ethnicity, and socio-economic status. Since time immemorial, the Indigenous people have been among the most vulnerable, marginalized, illiterate, and exploited sectors of society, thus, implementing intervention for their development could be a great contribution to attaining the SDGs. The Mindoro State University in collaboration with Mansalay local government unit planned to conduct a 5-year community development program. To ensure an effective and sustainable program, a SWOT analysis was conducted to determine the internal attributes (strengths and weaknesses), and external factors (opportunities and threats) that could be used in formulating a strategic plan for the development of the indigenous community in Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro in the Philippines. This study was part of the SWOT analysis and was focused on identifying the literacy level of the community. The research design utilized was ethnography through community immersion, survey, interview, and focus group discussions. The findings showed that there are professional teachers in the community, however, some elders are illiterate, and some are working instead of attending schools. The findings recommend conducting a literacy drive, especially for elders. As a way forward, the results of the study were integrated into the extension project for the College of Teacher Education.

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