
The teachinglearning process is built on evidence based practice. Teachers must consider the research foundations in order to apply evidence based practice effectively. According to previous results, only a few teachers at the school participate in action research. It suggests that the school's research culture has not yet been completely accepted, despite the fact that it is being promoted which is articulated on the training needs assessment indicate that teachers need a lot of training in doing action research. On these premises, a study was carried out to assess the effectiveness of capacity building program toward initiati ves to improve the teacher’s self efficacy, research anxiety and research attitude. It employed descriptive evaluative research design. It administered likert questionnaires to 50 teachers. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that most of the teacher respondent s are Technology Livelihood Education Teachers with a 6 10 years of teaching in the public school and bachelor’s degree holder. More so, teachers have high research self efficacy, low anxiety, and high positive attitude toward conducting action research. Notably, Teacherdescribed the capacity building program towards research initiative in conducting action research as highly effective. However, the level of the research culture index of the schoo l were fair which the scored below 80%. It showed that significant relationship between research self efficacy, research anxiety, and research attitude and the profile of novice teachers researchers.Similarly, there was a statistically significant assoc iation between research self efficacy,research anxiety, and research attitude among novice teachers researchers. When novice teachers researchers are categorized according to profile, there is a substantial gap in the evaluation of research self effi cacy, research anxiety, and research attitude. This study recommended to adapt these capacity building program in the division level to help the teacher raise their level of capability in research.

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