
Communication is the process of conveying information from a person to others through certain media. In communication activities, there is planning that is needed so that the communication process runs well and the achievement of the objectives of the communication. This communication planning is also found in proselytizing activities, therefore researchers want to see how communication planning in perceptive proselytizing. This research is a descriptive qualitative research based on literature review research based on journal artiekls, books related to problems that researchers research with Cultip theory and the Center. The results of this study revealed that the theory of the Cultip and Center communication planning model can be applied in proselytizing activities. 1) Monitoring of mad'u attitudes and behavior. 2) What to change, do or say. 3) Who will perform and inform the program, as well as when, where and how. 4) How is the result of what has been done or delivered by the da'i. This is useful for the continuity of proselytizing activities so that proselytizing runs well and is accepted by the community. Keywords: Planning; Communication; Da'wah

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