
ABSTRACT: The living radical polymerization of methyl methacrylate initiated fromsulfonyl chlorides and catalyzed by the new catalytic systems Cu 2 Y/Bpy and CuY/Bpy,where Y is O, S, Se, or Te and Bpy is 2,29-bipyridine, is described. An induction time wasobserved in all polymerization experiments. The values of the experimental rate con-stants of polymerization ( k p exp ) increased whereas the corresponding induction timesdecreased in the order Y 5 O , S , Se , Te. For the entire series of catalysts, k p exp forCuY was less than k p exp for Cu 2 Y. A mechanistic interpretation that involves the in situ generation of the CuCl/CuCl 2 pair, starting from Cu 2 Y or CuY, is provided. © 2000 JohnWiley & Sons, Inc. J Polym Sci A: Polym Chem 38: 3839–3843, 2000 Keywords: living radical polymerization; sulfonyl chloride; methyl methacrylate;copper oxide; copper sulfide; copper selenide; copper telluride; copper chloride INTRODUCTION In a recent series of publications 1 from our labo-ratory, we demonstrated that aryl,

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