
Abstract Caluff, M. G. & Serrano, G. S.: Cuban novelties in the genus Alsophila (Cyatheaceae). — Willdenowia 32: 303–309. 2002. — ISSN 0511-9618. Three new interspecific hybrids of Alsophila have been detected in Cuba: A. ×boytelii in the Sierra Maestra range, E Cuba; A. ×medinae in the Trinidad Mountains, Central Cuba; and A. ×fagildei in the Guantanamo province, E Cuba. They have spores of normal appearance and might therefore well be fertile, as suggested by the presence, in the Gran Piedra area, of a large population of A. ×boytelii; a full range of intermediates linking this hybrid with its parent species suggests the occurrence of backcrossing.

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