
Among other roman artifacts from the collection of the Highland Banat Museum, we have also several artifacts that have drawn our attention for a more detailed analysis required for a new publication. !ese are six jewellery items, all of them discovered on the territory of Banat, more precisely they have been discovered in the archaeological researches on the Roman forts and settlements or near to them, in the medieval context. Some of them have already been published brie"y, others are still unpublished. !e present article wishes to bring them into question in order to introduce them into a generally accepted typology that will help us to date them more easy. Between them there are three pieces of chain, a ring, a gem and one hairpin and they have been discovered in roman legionary fort from Berzovia-Bersovis, in a quadriburgium from Gornea and also in roman villa from Brebu, roman settlement from Mehadia and in the medieval church from Obreja, near the roman centre from Tibiscum.

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