
Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs), as one of the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), have currently occupied a considerable status in the policy making process in the developed and developing countries. Applying multi‐dimensional approaches in dealing with the issues have differentiated them from governmental agencies. Despite NGOs are faced with a wide range of problems in Iran, they play an invaluable role in disseminating information, raising awareness, and sensitisation about HIV/AIDS. Generally speaking, HIV/AIDS NGOs activities in Iran can be categorized in three domains: advocacy, education and information, and intervention. Using descriptive method, this paper intends to explain the services provided by the NGOs for people living with HIV/AIDS, then it will examine the effectiveness of the services provided for their clientele, and next it will explore the impediments faced by the NGOs in terms of provision of services. Finally, providing some meaning of HIVNGOs paper will come to a conclusion.

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