
The title complexes were obtained by the reactions of bis(2,4-pentanedionato)oxovanadium VO(Acac) 2 and m-nitrophenylhydrazide m-NO 2 PhCONHNH 2 in the media EtOH and MeOH respectively. The compound (Ⅰ) crystallizes in the space group PT with unit cell dimensions a =8.123(2), b =10.409(5), c =10.822(4), α =65.78(3)°, β =85.50(3)°, γ =89.04(3)°. The compound (Ⅱ) crystallizes in the space group P2 1 /a with unit cell dimensions a =7.745(2), b =19.164(5), c =10.787(4), β=107.87(2)°. The resuhs of structural analyses show that the two compounds have the same characteristics: the tridentate ligand formed by condensation occupies three of the four equatorial positions of vanadium and the rest equatorial position is occupied by alkoxy group RO - . As RO - group also bridges the sixth coordinated position of each vanadium atom, it brings about the formation of the new type binuclear complexes of vanadium.

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