
The crystal structure of tris(dibenzoylmethanato)(triphenylphosphine oxide)europium (Ⅲ), C63H51O7PEu, has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The complex crystallizes in the tri-clinic space group P 1 with two molecules in a unit cell. The cell dimensions are a=12. 336 (3), b=18. 729 (5), c=11. 502 (3) A, α=95. 86 (2), β=103.14 (2), γ=87.89 (2)0. The total number of 6969 independent reflections was used for the structure determination. The final calculated R value is 0. 055. The central europium ion is hepta-coordinated by seven oxygen atoms. The polyhedron is a distorted capped trigonal prism with the Eu-O separation of 2. 305-2. 367 A. The high resolution excitation and emission spectra measured at 77 K indicate two Eu (Ⅲ) sites in the complex. The symmetries of the Eu (Ⅲ) sites are C2v and Cs respectively. The lower symmetrical Cs site predominates. A comparison of the emission spectra for Gd(DBM)3TPPO doped by 1% Eu(Ⅲ) with those for Eu(DBM)3TPPO complex shows no significant differences pointing to the same two sites.

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