
TS34 is a Type B1 Ca-Al-rich inclusion (CAI) from the Allende CV3 chondrite, consisting of spinel, melilite, Ti-Al-rich clinopyroxene (fassaite) and minor anorthite in an igneous texture. Oxygen and magnesium isotopic compositions were measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry in spots of known chemical composition in all major minerals in TS34. Using the sequence of formation from dynamic crystallization experiments and from chemical compositions of melilite and fassaite, the oxygen isotopic evolution of the CAI melt was established. Oxygen isotopic compositions of the constituent minerals plot along the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral line. The spinel grains are uniformly 16O-rich (Δ17O=−22.7±1.7‰, 2SD), while the melilite grains are uniformly 16O-poor (Δ17O=−2.8±1.8‰) irrespective of their åkermanite content and thus their relative time of crystallization. The fassaite crystals exhibit growth zoning overprinting poorly-developed sector zoning; they generally grow from Ti-rich to Ti-poor compositions. The fassaite crystals also show continuous variations in Δ17O along the inferred directions of crystal growth, from 16O-poor (Δ17O∼−3‰) to 16O-rich (Δ17O∼−23‰), covering the full range of oxygen isotopic compositions observed in TS34. The early-crystallized 16O-poor fassaite and the melilite are in oxygen isotope equilibrium and formed simultaneously. The correlation of oxygen isotopic compositions with Ti content in the fassaite imply that the oxygen isotopic composition of the CAI melt evolved from 16O-poor to 16O-rich during fassaite crystallization, presumably due to oxygen isotope exchange with a surrounding 16O-rich nebular gas. Formation of spinel, the liquidus phase in melts of this composition, predates crystallization of all other phases, so its 16O-rich composition is a relic of an earlier stage. Anorthite exhibits oxygen isotopic compositions between Δ17O∼−2‰ and −9‰, within the range of those of fassaite, indicating co-crystallization of these two minerals during the earliest to intermediate stage of fassaite growth. The melilite and fassaite yield an 26Al–26Mg mineral isochron with an initial value of (26Al/27Al)0=(5.003±0.075)×10−5, corresponding to a relative age of 0.05±0.02Myr from the canonical Al–Mg age of CAIs. These data demonstrate that both 16O-rich and 16O-poor reservoirs existed in the solar nebula at least ∼0.05Myr after the birth of the Solar System.

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