
We report the in-situ oxygen isotopic distributions corresponding to the petrographic-mineralogical observation on a compact Type A (CTA) Ca-Al-rich inclusion (CAI), KU-N-02, from a reduced CV3 chondrite, Northwest Africa 7865. The CTA has an igneous texture and mainly consists of spinel, melilite, and Al-Ti-rich clinopyroxene (fassaite). Oxygen isotopic compositions of the constituent minerals plot along the carbonaceous chondrite anhydrous mineral line. The spinel grains are poikilitically enclosed in the melilite and fassaite and are uniformly 16O-rich (Δ17O = approximately − 23‰). The fassaite is texturally classified into two types: blocky fassaite and intergranular fassaite. The blocky fassaite crystals exhibit growth zoning as they change from Ti-rich to Ti-poor along the inferred directions of crystal growth from core to rim, while the oxygen isotopic compositions change from 16O-poor (Δ17O = approximately − 6‰) to 16O-rich (Δ17O = approximately − 23‰) with crystal growth. The intergranular fassaite crystals exist between the melilite crystals and exhibit variable Ti abundance and oxygen isotopic compositions. Additionally, their relationships between Ti contents and oxygen isotopic composition are similar to those of the blocky fassaite. The melilite grains are homogeneously 16O-poor (Δ17O = approximately − 2‰), irrespective of their åkermanite (Åk) content. Each melilite grain generally exhibits growth zoning with increasing Åk contents from core to rim, although the melilite contains Åk-rich patches within single crystal. Åk-rich patches often include two types of fassaite: small blebby crystals attached to spinel crystals and round crystals. The oxygen isotopic compositions of the Åk-rich patch and blebby fassaite are 16O-poor (Δ17O = approximately − 2‰), similar to that of the host melilite. On the other hand, the round fassaite exhibits significant variation in oxygen isotopic compositions ranging from Δ17O = −23‰ to − 4‰, which are different from those of the host melilite. These petrographic textures and oxygen isotopic variations indicate the presence of a solid precursor with variable oxygen isotopic compositions for the CTA. The spinel and round fassaite grains are relicts of the precursor that melted in the 16O-poor nebular gas, resulting in the crystallization of the host melilite from the 16O-poor melt. The Åk-rich patches and blebby fassaite crystallized from melts trapped by the growing host melilite crystals. The blocky and intergranular fassaite crystallized after the melilite did, and the oxygen isotopic composition of the melt changed to 16O-rich during the crystallization process, suggesting that the oxygen isotopic composition of the surrounding nebular gas could be varied. The inferred oxygen isotopic evolution for CTA is consistent with those inferred for Type B CAIs, suggesting that coarse-grained igneous CAIs formed in a similar nebular environment regardless of precursor chemistry.

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