
The molecular structure of (eta/sup 5/-C/sub 5/Me/sub 5/)/sub 2/Fe/sub 2/(CO)/sub 4/ has been determined via x-ray diffraction. The dimer has a monoclinic unit cell of space group P2/sub 1//n with a = 8.372 (4) A, b = 9.864 (5) A, c = 13.872 (5) A, ..beta.. = 93.13 (1)/sup 0/, V = 1144 (1) A/sup 3/, d/sub calcd/ = 1.43 g/cm/sup 3/, d/sub obsd/ = 1.46 g/cm/sup 3/, and Z = 2. The molecule contains two terminal and two bridging carbonyl ligands with a normal Fe-Fe single bond separation of 2.560 (1) A. The most unusual finding in this study is that, unlike the case for the unsubstituted analogue (eta/sup 5/-C/sub 5/H/sub 5/)/sub 2/Fe/sub 2/(CO)/sub 4/, no significant variations in the cyclopentadienyl ligand C-C bond lengths are observed. This result may bear directly on the catalytic activity, or lack of it, observed in certain permethylated-cyclopentadienyl complexes.

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