Activation of a motoneuron pool is often accompanied by inhibition of the antagonistic pool through a system of reciprocal inhibition between the two parts of the neuronal network controlling the antagonistic pools. In the present study, we describe the activity of such a system in the isolated spinal cord of the lamprey, when a tonic motor output is evoked by extracellular stimulation (0.5-1 s train of pulses, 20 Hz) of either end of the spinal cord. With two electrodes symmetrically positioned in relation to the midline, stimulation with either of them separately elicited prolonged (1-5 s) ipsilateral ventral root activity. Activity could be abolished by stronger, simultaneously applied, stimulation of the contralateral side of the cord, suggesting that reciprocal inhibition between hemisegments operates when a tonic motor output is generated. Simultaneous stimulation of both sides of the spinal cord with a single electrode with a large tip (300-400 microm in diameter), positioned over the anatomical midline, elicited inconsistent right-side, leftside, or bilateral ventral root responses. A minor displacement (10-20 microm) to the left or right from the midline resulted in activation of ipsilateral motoneurons, whereas the contralateral motoneurons were silent. These findings indicate that a small asymmetry in the excitatory drive to the left and right spinal hemisegments can be further amplified by reciprocal inhibition between the hemisegments. Longitudinal splitting of the spinal cord along the midline resulted in reduced reciprocal inhibition between the hemisegments separated by the lesion. The reduction was proportional to the extent of the split. The inhibition was abolished when the split reached nine segments in length. From these experiments, the longitudinal distribution of the commissural axons responsible for inhibition of contralateral motor output could be estimated.
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