
The present study focuses on the cross-stream migration of a neutrally buoyant two-dimensional drop in a Poiseuille flow in a channel under the influence of an electric field. In the absence of an electric field, the important nondimensional parameters describing this problem are the viscosity ratio (λ) between the drop fluid and the surrounding medium, the ratio of drop diameter to channel height (a^{*}), and the capillary number (Ca). The influence of all these parameters on drop migration is investigated. It is observed that a large drop moves slowly as compared to a smaller drop, but attains a steady shape at the center line of the channel. The increase in value of the capillary number enhances the cross-stream migration rate, while the increase in viscosity ratio reduces the tendency of the drops to move towards the channel center line. The presence of an electric field introduces additional interfacial stresses at the drop interface, which in turn alters the dynamics observed in the absence of an electric field. Extensive computations are carried out to analyze the combined effect of the electric field and the shear flow on the cross-stream migration of the drop. The computational results for a perfect dielectric indicate that the droplet migration enhances in the presence of an electric field. The permittivity ratio (S) and the electric field strength (E) play major roles in drop migration and deformation. Computations using the leaky dielectric model also show that for certain combinations of electrical properties the drop undergoes immense elongation along the direction of the electric field. The conductivity ratio (R) is again a vital parameter in such a system of fluids. It is further observed that for certain conditions the leaky dielectric drops exhibit rotation together with translation.

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