
Abstract Daylighting is often integrated into a building as an architectural statement and for energy savings. However, the benefits from daylighting extend beyond architecture and energy savings. Solar bottle bulb is an invention that is highly effective and cost effective enough to be used in huge numbers for those without sources of interior lighting. This invention is very easy and excessively cheap, requires only a bottle, some roofing materials, water and minimal amount of regularly found chemical and no electricity is needed. This paper reviews the critical retrospect of daylighting through the solar bottle bulb perspective. It highlights the need for solar bottle bulbs use within the underprivileged areas of the world and the importance of this invention as a pathway towards sustainability. This paper presents a review on the designs, principles and applications of the invention that have startled the poor people into a new way of life. The review consists of the assessment of journals, books, newspapers, reports and online sources in the field of daylighting and solar bottle bulb.

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