
Motivic equivalence for algebraic groups was recently introduced by De Clercq [Compos. Math. 153 (2017), pp. 2195–2213], where a characterization of motivic equivalent groups in terms of higher Tits indexes is given. As a consequence, if the quadrics associated to two quadratic forms have the same Chow motives with coefficients in F 2 \mathbb {F}_2 , this remains true for any two projective homogeneous varieties of the same type under the orthogonal groups of those two quadratic forms. Our main result extends this to all groups of classical type, and to some exceptional groups, introducing a notion of critical variety. On the way, we prove that motivic equivalence of the automorphism groups of two involutions can be checked after extending scalars to some index reduction field, which depends on the type of the involutions. In addition, we describe conditions on the base field which guarantee that motivic equivalent involutions actually are isomorphic, extending a result of Hoffmann on quadratic forms.

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