
Project success factors have been very popular and lists of critical success factors have been identified but there is no general agreement. Studies on critical success factors are too generic and pose a question of applicability on a specific industry such as construction.Construction industry,by its nature,is a complex, project oriented, high risk, and competitive business. It is one of the major contributors to the national economy and has a multiple impact on a county. Construction project failures are increasingly reported around the globe and achieving success of construction projects is becoming extremely difficult in today’s turbulent environment. According to heresy evidence, construction project failures are abundant in Sri Lanka as well.With rapid changes happening in the construction industry, it is curious whether previous research findings have become obsolete and unable to reflect on the current position.It is agreed across literature that the study of project success and critical success factors are means to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of projects.Determining key success factors in different project context is a challenge and it is extremely important for the industry professionals and academics.Therefore, this paper attempts to identify critical success factors through a literature review withspecial attention on project execution stage of construction projects.34 success factors were identified from recent papers and 19 factors are repeated in 3 or more papers. More researchis needed on the relationship between critical human resource management factors and project success.Findings are instrumental for professionals and academics and will add to the construction project management body of knowledge.

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