
Research on critical success factors in information communication technology (ICT) projects in the past decade mainly focuses on ICT projects in general. A few researchers were specific on the type of ICT project. The question that remains unanswered is whether the identified critical success factors apply to all types of ICT projects? Mostly, the researchers provide only a list of the critical success factors. This study used logistic regression analysis to identify critical success factors on computer networking projects. An initial list of seventy-five critical success factors for ICT projects in general was reduced to 43 and 7 categories were obtained. After several runs of the logistic analysis only 5 factors were found to be critical to the success of computer networking projects. These 5 factors are; Strong support from senior management, team members with high competence, use of website for communication, project manager's communication skills and project with no multiple independent teams. It was concluded that the critical success factors for computer networking projects were different from those published for ICT projects in general.

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