
Relevance. When concluding contracts with state and municipal customers, it is mandatory to carry out formalized procedures aimed at determining the counterparty. Low efficiency of trade and non-trade procurement methods entails irrational expenditure of budget funds and other valuable resources.The purpose of this work is to propose criteria for the effective use of competitive procedures aimed at meeting state and municipal needs.Objectives: on the basis of empirical material to determine the conditions under which the maximum efficiency of competitive methods of determining a supplier for state and municipal needs is achieved.Methodology: general scientific methods of analysis and induction, observation and forecasting were used in the work. The results. The article assesses the effectiveness of the current model of the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services for state and municipal needs. The study evaluates the importance of such indicators as the price and quality of goods (work or services), their prevalence, the level of competition in the relevant economic sphere and region, the costs of conducting a competitive procedure.The statistical data of the Federal Tax Service on the number of registered business entities in various federal districts are presented, which allow us to come to the conclusion that there is a need for a differentiated approach to conducting competitive procedures, taking into account the indicator characterizing the number of business entities and competition in the region.It is noted that when determining the effectiveness of the use of tenders and auctions, it is necessary to take into account the associated economic and organizational costs.Conclusion. Bidding, being one of the types of competitive procedures, has a specific range of its application. The author formulates and substantiates the conclusion that the criteria for the effective application of competitive procedures to meet state and municipal needs include: upper and lower price limits; socio-economic situation in the region of the conclusion and execution of the contract; the scope of business activity of the counterparty.

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