
Chronological framework of the late medieval period of the history of Circassia is determined by external civilizational criteria as well as by the internal content of the processes of development and formation of the Circassian historical and cultural space in the Caucasus. The lower chronological period was pre-conditioned by the following factors: 1) Radical change of the geopolitical situation in the region of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, caused by the Mongol expansion, and the collapse of such powerful military ethno-political formations in the region as Kievan Russia, Cumania (Dasht-i Kipchak), Alanian and Georgian kingdoms. 2) The start of a long Horde period in the history of Zikhia (Circassia). 3) The development of intensive economic, cultural and political cooperation with Genoa and Venice in the period from 1266 to 1475. 4) The new external name for Zikhs – Circassians. 5) Significant expansion of the territory of Circassia, establishment of Kabarda. 6) Throughout this period, from 1240s until 1517, Circassia was one of the most important sources for the replenishment of the Mamluk army of Egypt. The upper chronological period is referred to the first quarter of the XVI century for the following reasons: 1) In 1502, ceased its existence the Big Horde - a direct successor of the Jochi Ulus. 2) The Ottoman Turkey became the most powerful Islamic empire after occupation of Mamluk territories in 1516 – 1517. 3) Rapidly strengthened the Crimean Khanate, on which all Circassian principalities became gradually dependent.

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