
Subject of research: personal data as the subject of a socially dangerous act.
 Purpose of research: to justify the need to include in the Criminal Code of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) a rule on liability for failure to comply with requirements for the protection of personal data.
 Methods and objects of research: in the preparation of this work, inductive and deductive methods of formal logic, the dialectical method of cognition, and the method of comparative analysis were used, incl. content analysis of current sources of Russian and foreign law, as well as a method of expert assessments on issues of the public danger of illegal acts in the field of circulation of personal data.
 Main results of research: it has been proven that the digital transformation of the economy has a significant impact on all relationships in modern society. Therefore, the value of information about a person increases significantly. It becomes a means for using various services, incl. ensuring the exchange of material and other values. Taking into account this circumstance, the protection of personal data must be ensured not only by civil and administrative, but also by criminal legislation. This requires the introduction of criminal liability for failure to comply with requirements for the protection of personal data.

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