
According to the diagnosis of a survey carried out by Nielsen Book for the Câmara Brasileira do Livro (CBL) and the Sindicato Nacional de Editores de Livros (SNEL), in 2021, for the Brazilian publishing market, physical bookstores lose sales, but on the other hand there is a growth following the exclusively virtual bookstores. In the context of innovation in this market, a digital platform has emerged to facilitate the process of producing and selling books. An ecosystem powered by various customer segments, writers, designers, proofreaders, print services and finally end customers, readers. In order to create ideas and businesses also for improving processes, using the Cralves Framework, a bibliographic review of the existing literature was carried out to analyze how tools and techniques were used in its process. Corroborating with the potential of generating creative, real and individual ideas, with the potential of generating ideas, with the possible individualization, with the potential of generating ideas, with the true identity, with the capacity of individuals, with the potential of generation of ideas, with the ability to define, with the possibility of individuals, with the potential to generate ideas, facts, individuals, capable of corroborating the potential of generating ideas in groups. Contributed to the management of creativity and innovation. It provided engagement between the parties from the unfolding of the actions taken. DOI: 10.18226/23190639.v10n2.03

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