
The study is aimed to answer whether the use of iconic nonverbal gestures positivelyinfluences the acquisition of selected vocabulary by young learners. The research entailed20 young private language school students split into Experimental (G1) group, wherestudents were taught by the use of the gestural method; and Control (G2) group taughtthe same material using the traditional way of acquiring vocabulary. In both cases,the treatment lasted 4 weeks with two 50 minute-long lessons weekly. To measure thedata from the treatment time, the pre-test and the post-test were employed. The t-testswere applied for statistical calculations. The basic measurement instruments, such asmean, mode, median, variance, and standard devotion were analysed. Additionally, theobservation sessions were conducted in each group during the third week of the study.The gathered information allowed us to prove the hypothesis that gestures have a positiveinfluence on retention of acquired vocabulary among six-year-old learners.

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