
Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings enormous opportunities into learning, teaching, and assessment processes. Among them, it is convenient to explore its ability to channel students’ creativity, which is described as a basic competence in the training of people with both the OECD and the recent Spanish LOMLOE law pointing to the need to foster it in educational settings. In this context, the objective of this research is to explore the creative potential of prospective elementary school teachers related to storytelling, via a project including the rational use of AI generative tools. A combination of qualitative and quantitative instruments was used to get insight on the implications of those AI tools in the creative process and to gain understanding on the concerns of prospective teachers about AI at both their training and future teaching practice. The results show the potential of AI from an educational point of view, specially in self-assessment and co-evaluation processes, since it allows confronting not only the result of the creative task, but also the process itself by reflecting on the asked questions. Finally, the importance of continuing research on the ability to ask questions (a creative skill in itself) in the new context of AI is discussed.

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