
Aesthetics and philosophy have long attempted to discover the essence of the creative process. It was Aristotle and Plato who first analyzed the problems of the creative work of the artists. Plato began the irrationally divine theory and interpretation of art. It was developed further in the theoretics of ‘‘Sturm und Drang’’ in Germany in the 18th century. Herzen, Shelling, Shopenhauer, and Nietzsche thought that art is created by a genius through his own special laws. It is impossible to describe and explain such laws. Later Bergson, Croce, Freud and Heidegger also interpreted the creative process as an intuitive act, and in such intuition they saw a special manifestation of the Spirit. Indeed, every work of art is as unique as the process of its creation. But it is also evident that the fact of creation makes the artist’s emotional and rational consciousness stronger. Furthermore, in spite of the highly individual character of any creative process, one cannot help searching for its common attributes and consistent patterns. Many ideas in the works of Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Bualo, Voltaire, Rousseau, Chernyshevsky, and Tolstoy were devoted to that particular search. In many contemporary aesthetic systems art is also thought of as creative aesthetic work made by the artist according to the standards and values of art. Art is most successful in conveying the human capacity for creative work. By its nature and origin art is an absolutely creative process. Any work of art becomes such only if there is a process of creating something new: knowledge of life, standards, spiritual strivings, manners and styles, etc. That is why one of the main aspects of investigating art is connected with the particularity of artistic creativity. We call it the heuristics of art. Heuristics of art begins with an understanding of the creative work of an artist. It is the artist who is the beginning and the source of art. His personality is the center of the creative process. He is a subject of creativity and a creative course as well. The subjective factor is very important in art. An artist should interpret his or her life and make this the artist’s model, and also come to art as a rich and original individuality. A human aspect is important in science, pedagogy, and medicine. In art a personality is a both substantial and resultant element of a work of art. You can not separate an artwork from the artist. It was only Tolstoy who could

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